Noemi Call, B.A. MA
Noemi Call, B.A. MA
Publications and Activities (u:cris)
- Pre-doctoral assistant at the Research Centre "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (RaT)
- Doctoral candidate in philosophy
- Since 04/2024: PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Kurt Appel
- 03/2024: Admission to the second stage of the examination at the Department of Art and Space / Spatial Strategies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
- 03/2020 to 05/2023: MA in Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Master Thesis: "Das Problem der Immanenz bei Spinoza in der Auslegung Hegels" ["The Problem of Immanence in Hegel‘s interpretation of Spinoza"] (passed with distinction)
- 10/2018 to 01/2019: Erasmus Semester at UNIMOL (Università degli Studi del Molise) in Italy. Study Programme: BA Communication Sciences
- 09/2016 to 11/2019: BA in Philosophy, Arts and Social Entrepreneurship at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Bonn (Germany). Bachelor Thesis: The Cultural Implications of Sustainable Development as a Global Concept (passed with distinction)
University employments and activities
- Since 10/2023: Prae-Doc Research Assistant at the Research Centre "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (RaT)
- 12/2022 to 09/2023: Science Management at the Research Centre RaT. Member of the Editorial Team of the open-access "Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (JRAT)
- 09/2021 to 06/2023: Tutor for Master Students working on Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" and "Science of Logic"
- 02/2022 to 11/2022: Co-management of the "Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion" (VDTR)
- 09/2021 to 01/2022: Student Assistant of Univ.-Prof. DDr. Kurt Appel
- 03/2018 to 10/2018: Initiation and Organisation of the Na.tour. Conference and Art Exhibition "Altavia Garage" on the Topic of Sustainable Tourism (05.10.-07.10.2018) from a Philosophical and Artistic Perspective. Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr Hartmut Rosa
- 2024: "'Natura' tra immanenza e dialettica: Perché secondo Hegel nella filosofia di Spinoza la 'natura' non è presente: una critica all’accusa di acosmismo". In: Il Pensare, N. 13/2023, 13, pp. 18-41.
- Since 07/2021: Involved in the development of a publication platform for philosophy, literature and art with the title "Systematic Openness" with its own ISSN. Publications:
- 2024: "Natur" zwischen Immanenz und Dialektik. Wieso es in der Philosophie Spinozas nach Hegel keine Natur gibt: Eine Kritik am Akosmismus-Vorwurf (article)
- 2021: Eine künstlerisch-praktische Perspektive auf das Unmittelbare bei Hegel (essay)
- 2023: Materialismus der Begegnung – eine philosophische Performance mit Abstraktion und Bild (essay)
Conference presentations
- 15/08/2024: "Religion and Arts: Potential Alliances for Social and Ecological Transformation", Beitrag im Panel "Religion and Climate Change" (Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen), 26th Nordic Conference for the Sociology of Religion in Aarhus, Danmark.
- 22/07/2024: "Materialität und Performativität. Religion, Kunst und öffentlicher Raum", Workshop bei der Studienwoche "Kunst als Ausdrucksform in den Religionen" (Religiöse Diskurse in westlichen Demokratien - Initiative christlich-jüdische Studienwoche im Gespräch mit dem Islam) mit Assoz.-Prof. DDr. Helmut Jakob Deibl in Styria, Austria.
- 20/05/2024: "Transformative Experiences: Exits in Religion and the Arts", Beitrag im Panel "Religious Exits: Transitions into Alternative Symbolic and Political Worlds?" (Panel Chair: Assoz.-Prof. DDr. Helmut Jakob Deibl), 7th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion 2024 in Palermo, Italy.
Philosophical performances
- 25.01.2024: "CLINAMEN - Bewegtbilder des Denkens. An der Grenze zwischen Philosophie und Kunst" as part of the student initiative "Khôra" at the University of Vienna together with Philipp Quell (text and video)
- 23.11.2024: "Philosophy in therapy" as part of the PRO SCIENTIA funding programme together with Simeon Ohlsen (text and dance)
- 01.11.2023: "Kollektivität des Ausdrucks: Festgehakt in den eigenen Gedanken und Emotionen - und wie man da wieder rauskommt...", performance at the Soundcheck Philosophie-Salon in Leipzig on the topic "Kollektiv denken?!", transmedia performance & salon with the artists and philosophers Simeon Ohlsen, Noemi Call, Evi Jägle, Christoph Müller and Daphne von Schrader (Vienna/Leipzig), moderated by Rainer Totzke (Expedition Philosophie e.V., Leipzig) (performance, dance, text, video and sound)
Research interests
- Artistic Research
- Ontology and Phenomenology
- Aesthetics of nature
- Landscape