Dr. Andreas Telser, M.Div.
(C) Privat
Dr. Andreas Telser, M.Div.
Academic position:
Postdoc Assistant at the research centre "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society"
Contact: andreas.telser@univie.ac.at
- Since 1.10.2023 Member at the Research Centre “Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society"
- Since 2022 freelance public theologian
- 2016-2021 Ass.-Prof. at the Department of Fundamental Theology and Dogmatics at the Catholic Private University Linz
- Studies in Theology in Boston, Chicago, Linz and Regensburg
- 2009 Promotion in Theology
Most important publications:
- Co-published together with Palfrey, Barnabas, Beyond the Analogical Imagination. The Theological and Cultural Vision of David Tracy, 2023
- Co-publisher together with Kaelin, Lukas & Hoppe, Ilaria, Bubbles & Bodies – Neue Öffentlichkeiten zwischen sozialen Medien und Straßenprotesten. Interdisziplinäre Erkundungen, Bielefeld 2020
- Theologie als öffentlicher Diskurs. Zur Relevanz der Systematischen Theologie David Tracys, Innsbruck - Wien 2016 (ITS 84) – Ausgezeichnet mit dem Karl-Rahner-Preis
- Co-publisher with Gruber, Franz & Kreutzer, Ansgar, Verstehen und Verdacht. Hermeneutische und kritische Theologie im Gespräch, Ostfildern 2015
Main areas of research:
- Theological hermeneutics in the context of interreligiosity and interculturality
- Theology – Public Space – Politics
- Sociology of religion & Theories of secularization
- Theological anthropology (and humour)
- Theology and contemporary art