Univ.-Prof. DDr. Isabella Guanzini

Academic position:

Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Catholic Private University (KU) Linz

Short CV:

Isabella Guanzini studied Philosophy and Theology in Milan and received doctoral degrees in Fundamental Theology at the University of Vienna (2012) and in Humanistic Studies at Milan (2013). From 2000 until 2009 she was a teacher in Philosophy and Social Sciences at the high School "Maffeo Vegio" (Lodi). From 2007 until 2009 she was a lecturer in Introduction in Contemporary Philosophy and from 2008 until 2013 in philosophical Theology at the Department of Religious Studies in Crema. 2009-2016 she lectured Philosophy at the Facoltà Teologica dellʾItalia Settentrionale in Milan and aesthetics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.

Selective bibliography:
A. Monographien und Herausgeberschaften

Il neognosticismo, Milano: San Paolo 2019 (mit Kurt Appel).

Zärtlichkeit. Eine Philosophie der sanften Macht, München: C.A. Beck, 2019.

Tenerezza. La rivoluzione del potere gentile, Milano: Ponte alle Grazie 2017.

Anfang und Ursprung. Massimo Cacciari und Hans Urs von Balthasar (ratio fidei 58). Regensburg: Pustet  Regensburg: Pustet 2016. 

mit Appel, Kurt (Hg.): Europa mit oder ohne Religion? II. Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenwärtigen und künftigen Europa. Wien: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht - Vienna University Press 2015. Peer-reviewed.

mit Appel, Kurt (eds.): Religion in a post-secular world, in: Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (J-RaT), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht - Vienna University Press 2015. Peer-reviewed, open access.

mit Appel, Kurt / Walser, Angelika (Hg.): Europa mit oder ohne Religion? Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenwärtigen und künftigen Europa. Vienna: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht - Vienna University Press 2014. Peer reviewed.

Hegel e Paolo. L'amore fra politica e messianismo. Milano: Vita e Pensiero 2013.

L'origine e l'inizio. Hans Urs von Balthasar e Massimo Cacciari. Pisa: Ets 2012.

Intorno a Dio. Intervista a Pierangelo Sequeri. Brescia: La Scuola 2011.

Lo Spirito è un osso. Postmodernità, materialismo e teologia in Slavoj Žižek. Assisi: Cittadella 2010.


B. Artikel und Aufsätze in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden

Die Zukunft des Symbolischen. Europa zwischen Religion und Apparat, in: Appel, Kurt / Guanzini, Isabella (Hg.): Europa mit oder ohne Religion? II. Der Beitrag der Religion zum gegenwärtigen und künftigen Europa. Vienna: V&R 2015. Peer-reviewed.

Die ästhetische Lebenskontingenz: Erzählen des Endlichen in der Zeit der Bilder, in: Appel, Kurt (Hg.): Preis der Sterblichkeit. Christentum und Neuer Humanismus (QD). Freiburg: Herder 2015, S. 126-185.

Paolo, Hegel e Lacan: fuori-legge? La dialettica della legge fra teologia, filosofia e psicoanalisi, in: Aisthema. International Journal for Theology, Philosophy, Aesthetics 2 (1/2015), S. 157-203. Peer-reviewed.

Una nuova "escatologia laica"? Utopia di agape e regime della legge fra sacro e profano, in: Sequeri, Pierangelo (ed.): Una fede per tutti? Forma cristiana e forma secolare. Milano: Glossa 2014.

Kathargein and Aufheben: Paulinian Origin of the Hegelian Dialectic? in: Annali di Scienze Religiose (ASR 2), Brepols 7/2014, 394-421. Peer-reviewed.

Oltre il soggetto postmoderno. Un nuovo umanesimo secondo Slavoj Žižek, in: Studia Patavina 61 (3/2014). Peer-reviewed.

Una debole forza messianica. Motivi teologici in Giorgio Agamben, in: Teologia 39 (2014), S. 240-265. Peer-reviewed.

Gegenwart ohne Schwerkraft. Ästhetisierung der Lebenswelt und Wirrsal des Fühlens im Kontext der italienischen Ästhetik, in: Aemaet 2 (2013), 48-69. Peer-reviewed.

Download of the complete publication list


Research projects in connection with RaT:

The research of DDR. Guanzini is focused especially on the relation between secular philosophy and the Christian Tradition in modern and contemporary thought. Her research projects in connection with the platform RaT respectively with the reception and hermeneutics of religious texts concentrate on a correlation of Fundamental Theology, Exegesis, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Her lectures in Italy (Philosophical Theology, History of Philosophy, Introduction in contemporary Philosophy) as well as her seminaries at the Department of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna (about Giorgio Agamben, Hans-Dieter Bahr, Slavoj Žižek and Jacques Lacan) are located in that areas. The mutual exchange between diverse disciplinaries enables her to consider the topic of religion from an internal perspective as well as from an external perspective.    


Project: Das Wagnis der Agape. Säkulare Rezeption einer biblischen Kategorie (Abstract)