Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Tiwald

Academic Position

Full professor for New Testament Studies and deputy head at the Department of Biblical Studies


  • since 2019: Full Professor, Chair of New Testament at the Faculty for Catholic Theology, University of Vienna/Austria
  • 2009-2019: Full Professor, Chair of New Testament at the Faculty for Humanities, Institute for Catholic Theology, University Duisburg-Essen/Germany
  • 2008 – 2009: Guest Professor at the Faculty for Humanities, Institute for Catholic Theology, University Duisburg-Essen                               
  • 2007 – 2008: Lecturer for New Testament, Catholic Pedagogical University Vienna/Austria
  • February 2005: Guest Professor, Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome/Italy                       
  • 1997 – 2007: University Assistant to the Chair of New Testament at the Faculty for Catholic Theology, University of Vienna/Austria                


  • 2007: Habilitation (facultas docendi et venia legendi) for New Testament, University of Vienna (Austria)
  • 2001: Doctorate in Theology (Dr. theol.), summa cum laude, University of Vienna (Austria)
  • 1995 – 1998: Licentiate Studies at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum / Jerusalem, Licentiate in Biblical Theology (Lic. bib.), magna cum laude
  • 1993 – 1995: Ordination as Catholic priest and parish work                       
  • 1986 – 1993: Undergraduate Studies in Catholic Theology (University of Vienna, Austria), Magister der Theologie (Mag. theol.)

Most Important Publications

  • Tiwald, Markus: Frühjudentum und beginnendes Christentum : Gemeinsame Wurzeln und das Parting of the Ways (KStTh 5). Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2022 (448 pages).
    • DOI: 10.17433/978-3-17-042073-1 
  • Tiwald, Markus: The Sayings Source : A Commentary on Q (Translation M. Tiwald, Lectorate A. Doole). Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2020 (238 pages).
    • DOI: 10.17433/978-3-17-037439-3
  • Tiwald, Markus: Kommentar zur Logienquelle. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2019 (236 pages).
    • DOI: 10.17433/978-3-17-033344-4   
  • Tiwald, Markus: Die Logienquelle : Text, Kontext, Theologie. Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2016 (208 pages).
    •     DOI: 10.17433/978-3-17-025628-6
  • Tiwald, Markus: Das Frühjudentum und die Anfänge des Christentums : Ein Studienbuch. (BWANT 208). Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2016 (367 pages).
    •     DOI: 10.17433/978-3-17-030923-4   
  • Tiwald, Markus: Hebräer von Hebräern : Paulus auf dem Hintergrund frühjüdischer Argumenta¬tion und biblischer Interpretation. (HBS 52). Freiburg : Herder, 2008 (508 pages).
  • Tiwald, Markus: Wanderradikalismus : Jesu erste Jünger – ein Anfang und was davon bleibt. (ÖBS 20). Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2002 (331 pages).

The full list of publications can be found here.

Fields of Research

  • Early Judaism and Early Christianity
  • “Parting of the Ways”
  • Historical Jesus
  • Paul and Pauline Literature
  • Sayings Source Q