Editorial guidelines
- The paper must be an initial publication which has not been published in any other medium. (Simultaneous submission to any other medium is not intended.)
- The paper must focus on the aim of JRAT.
- JRAT publishes articles in English. If you want to publish in German or Italian, please contact the editors. Contributions should be grammatically correct and in good literary style. All spelling should be consistent.
- If not communicated otherwise articles should not contain more than 40.000 characters (spaces included) in length. If the article exceeds 40.000 characters, please contact the editorial team (jrat@univie.ac.at).
- JRAT uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript online via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at: jrat.editorialmanager.com.
- The authors have to observe the editorial quidelines of the publishing house BRILL. Instructions for Authors
- Accepted papers are published in the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-ND.
- In case of publication the author transfers the right to use the paper to the editors, in order to publish it online under the license "CC BY-NC-ND" and in a print version (print on demand) without transgressing the rights of third parties. The author retains the copyright of the paper.
- This Journal does not charge APCs or submission charges. The author has to pay no fees for Submission or publication.
Publication Ethics
- The contributions must meet the scientific standards of the respective disciplines.
- Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice is the prerequisite for publication (see brill.com/page/ethics/publication-ethics-cope-compliance and oeawi.at/richtlinien/).
- If there are any doubts regarding the compliance with scientific standards and the novelty of the paper when submitting a paper, the editorial team will contact and consult with members of the scientific board from the respective subject area.
- The quality of all the contributions and compliance with all standards is ensured by the double blind-peer review process.
- If in doubt about the scientific standards of a paper, the authors will be contacted to consult with them.
- Submitted contributions will of course not be passed on to third parties.
- In the event of rejection, the authors will receive a written explanation.
- Post-publication options are possible according to the licence terms (CC-BY-NC-ND).
- In the case of the linking or reprint of a text, the author and original place of publication of the journal must be named in accordance with the licence terms (CC-BY-NC-ND).
- Complaints are discussed by the editorial team in cooperation with the editorial team, and the persons concerned will receive some feedback. If the problem cannot be solved in this way, the appropriate service facilities of the University of Vienna will be contacted.
- The journal is a non-profit and open access journal according to the license terms (CC-BY-NC-ND). It is financed exclusively from funds of the University of Vienna and not for advertising or commercial purposes.
- The editorial and publishing team is committed to the standards of scientific work.
- The interdisciplinary editorial board, in cooperation with the reviewers, ensures that ethical standards of scientific work are maintained and discusses problematic cases. The respective authors will be contacted. If there is no solution, the appropriate service facilities of the University of Vienna will be contacted.
- Contributions are selected solely on the basis of their scientific content.
- In researching the reciprocal influence of processes of social and religious change the journal is committed to the freedom of scientific research.
- Access to the journal is possible without registration or login (full access to all articles). There are no fees for the reader.