Archive | Third Term (2016–2018)
In this section, events, projects and publications between April 2016 und March 2018 are archived.
19 and 20 March 2018: Workshop "Phenomenologies of Religious Violence". Organized by Michael Staudigl, in Cooperation with the FWF.
14 March 2018: Guest Lecture by Ugo Perone (Berlin) on Secularization, Schenkenstraße. Review.
12 March 2018: Interdisciplinary Workshop "The Crisis of Representation II", organized by RaT. Review.
5-8 March 2018: Panel "The Future of the Grand European Narratives. Political, Theological and Philosophical Considerations" at the conference of the European Academy of Religion, Bologna. Review.
3 March 2018: guest lecture by Abdullah Takim on the term Ruach, in the framework of the seminar for master students and doctoral students at Melk abbey.
2 March 2018: Guest lecture by Angelika Berlejung (University of Leipzig) "Gott als Gärtner".
26-28 February 2018: Interdisciplinary conference "Literatur und Religion. Bilanz und Perspektiven eines Forschungsgebietes"organized by Jan-Heiner Tück.
20 January 2018: Lecture on Christianity and Islam by Klaus von Stosch, Stift Melk.
VO Ring lecture series organized by Violetta Waibel in cooperation with RaT: "Love and Hatred in Philosophy, Literature, Religion" (2017W), Mo 3.00-4.30 p.m. lecture hall II (NIG ground floor).
9 December 2017: Conference organized by Cornelius Zehetner: "Menschenrechte und Metaphysik. Zum 400. Todestag von Francisco Suárez." Lectures by Rolf Darge, Sandra Lehmann, Thamar Rossi Leidi, Philip Waldner and Cornelius Zehetner in the office of the research platform RaT.
4 December 2017: Lecture by Beesan Sarrouh (Ryerson University Toronto) "Simple Twists of Faith. Accommodating Muslim Minorities in Secular Societies — The Case of Quebec" 6.30 p.m. in the conference room IPW (A222), NIG 2. floor, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna.
30 December 2017: Lecture by Zahra’ Langhi on "Religion and Violence: The betrayal of tradition and the rise of modern extremist ideologies in Libya". 5 p.m. at the HS1 (Department of Political Sciences, 2. floor), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna. Further informationen is available here.
27 December 2017, 18:30-20:00 Public panel discussion on „Religion and Prison“ with Dr. Triantafylos Tanos (Greece), Rev. Dr. Magnus Abrahamson (Sweden), Prof. Dr. Wolfram Reiss (University of Vienna). Moderation by Prof. Dr. Kurt Appel, speaker of the platform „Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society“, HS 47 Main building, Universtitätsstr. 1.
27 December 2017: Panel discussion "Die Göttliche Ordnung?: Religion und Strukturelle Gewalt gegen Frauen" in the context of the international campaign "16 days against violence on women and girls" (25.Nov.-10.Dec.2017) in the lecture room HS 48, 6:30 p.m., hosted by the research platform RaT, scientific management: Astrid Mattes.
24-26 December 2017: Workshop/Seminar "Religion and Prison. Management of religious diversity in correctional services in Greece, Sweden and Austria" took place in HS 1 of the Schenkenstraße 8-10 (5th floor). Organisation: Wolfram Reiss. Further Information with regards to the Seminar are available here.
14-15 December 2017: Workshop “Can Polemics Innovate?” Change and Continuity in Jewish–Christian Polemics from Late Antiquity to the Modernity, organized by the Institute of Jewish Studies (University of Vienna), RaT and the Department of the History of Jewish People (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel).
On 24 October 2017, a book launch followed by a discussion took place. The event was entitled "Von Abba bis Zorn Gottes: Irrtümer aufklären - das Judentum verstehen" with Norbert Reck, Willy Weisz, Markus Himmelbauer and was moderated by Regina Polak. The book launch was organized by the bookshop Herder in cooperation with the coordinating committee of Christian-Jewish-Cooperation, Bilbia and the Kardinal König Stiftung.
On 14 October 2017: Hans Gerald Hödl gave a lecture at the international Nietzsche-Congress "Nietzsche und die Reformation / Nietzsche and the Reformation" (12.-15.10.2017 in Naumburg).
5 October 2017: a reading took place with Regina Polak, organized by the bookshop Herder, on the topic of migration, flight and religion (Vol. 1 and 2).
October 2 2017 the RaT-members started the term with an internal study day on "Religion and Boundaries".
19-20 September 2017: Interdisciplinary Conference "Leben und Lernen von und mit Flüchtlingen" September 19.-20. 2017. Organized by Regina Polak in cooperation with the Department for Practical Theology, RaT and the ERSTE-Stiftung.
23-26 August 2017: Congress of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR) „Translation - Transgression - Transformation“, organized in cooperaation with RaT.
7 September 2017: Workshop with Jonathan Magonet “The role of perspective in Biblical narrative: The Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15)”, organized by the Department of Practical Theology in cooperation with RaT and the Koordinierungsausschuss für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit.
7 September 2017: "Trialog: Hoffnungsloses Europa? Zukunftsperspektiven aus jüdischer, christlicher und muslimischer Sicht". More
29 Juni 2017: Guest lecture by Paolo Costa „Religious Unmusicality: What Does it Mean? And Does it Matter?“, Review.
26-27 Juni 2017: Conference „The Crisis of Representation
Neoliberalism, Ethnonationalism, Religious Conservativism and the Crisis of Representation in Politics, Religion and Culture – an Interdisciplinary Conference“, organized by RaT Program / Review and Photos.
20 May 2017: Astrid Mattes gave a lecture entitled "Demokratie auf dem Prüfstand: Die Politisierung von (religiöser) Diversität als Herausforderung". This lecture took place in the framework of the 7th international INTIS-Conference entitled "Europa im 21. Jahrhundert. Demokratie im Spannungsfeld von Rechtspopulismen und religiösen Fantismen". This conference was co-organized by Richard Potz and the department of Legal Philosophy. Program.
27 April 2017:Studies day on „Leben im Anthropozän - Ökologie, Politik, Religion. Ein Gespräch zur Enzyklika “Laudato sí"“ in Melk, organized by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Horn (Department of German language and literature studies) and Univ.-Prof. DDr. Kurt Appel (Department of fundamental theology) in cooperation with RaT.
7-8 April 2017: Symposium "Learning to be Human for Global Times: Current Challenges from the Perspective of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion", organized by Mag. Dr. Brigitte Buchhammer and Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Herta Nagl-Docekal (both: Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna) in cooperation with RaT Review+Photos /program.
16 March 2017: Open Lecture by Prof. Dr. Suleiman al-Hussaini (Universität Nizwa, Oman) "Tolerance between religions and Muslims of different schools. Perspectives of the Sultanate of Oman", organized by Univ.- Prof. Dr. Wolfram Reiss (Department of Systematic Theology and Religious Studies) in cooperation with RaT. Review+Photos.
25 January 2017: Guest lecture by Andreas Arndt (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; former chairman of the international Hegel-Society): "Bürgerliche Gesellschaft, Religion und Staat bei Hegel und Marx" in the course of seminary "Staat, Religion und bürgerliche Gesellschaft. Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts", organzied in cooperation with the Department of Fundamental Theology (Faculty of Catholic Theology) Review+Photos.
21 January 2017: Guest lecture by Martin Kočí (Centre of Theology, Philosophy and Media Theory at Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague): "The Un-thought of Christianity in Jan Patočka" in the course of a study day of the Department of Fundamental Theology (Faculty of Catholic Theology) in Melk Review+Photos.
13 January 2017: Guest lecture by Sergei Chapnin „The Russian Orthodox Church and hte Council“, organized by Eva Synek and Richard Potz (both Department of Legal Philosophy) in the course of the seminary Recht des christlichen Ostens. Orthodoxe Kirche in Europa.
14 December 2016: Guest lecture by Peter Zeillinger (University of Vienna): "The Emergence of the Koranic Message. Revelation and History in Early Islam", organized by the Department of Fundamental Theology of the Faculty of Catholic Theology and RaT Review+Photos.
17 November 2016: Dialogue among Civilizations with Emil Bobi about "Islamic terrorism", Bühne im Hof (St. Pölten), more.
14 November 2016: Guest lecture by Philip Cunningham (Saint Joseph´s University, Philadelphia; President of the International Council of Christians and Jews): "Christian-Jewish Dialogue: Theological and Practical Challenges", organized by the Department of Practical Theology of the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Regina Polak, RaT) and the Research platform RaT Review+Photos.
8 November 16: Guest lecture „Ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingsarbeit in Deutschland: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme“ by Olaf Kleist (Universität Osnabrück) Download poster.
19 October 2016: Guest lecture by Christopher Brittain (University of Aberdeen): "Speaking of God in a Time of Crisis: Religion as Ground Zero", organized by the Department of Religious Studies, in cooperation with RaT Review+Photos.
26 July 2016: Workshop with Carl Raschke (University of Denver): "Western Society, Globalization, and the Crisis of Representation in the Global Society", organized by RaT in cooperation with the Department of Fundamental Theology in Melk Abbey Review+Photos.
24-25 July 2016: Workshop in cooperation with Mouhanad Khorchide, Dina El Omari and the Centre for Islamic Theology of the University of Münster: "Gottes doppelte Sendung - Jesus und Koran", in Melk Abbey Review+Photos.
5 July 2016: Lecture „Welche Werte? Religion als Element der Grenzziehung in Integrationspolitiken“ by Astrid Mattes (Institut für Politikwissenschaft / RaT) at the summer academy Friedensburg Schlaining.
25 June 2016: Study day with Dr. Patrice Brodeur about "Dialogues for Human Sustainability: An Inter-Worldview Approach based on multiple identities and power dynamics" in Melk Abbey Review.
17 June 2016: Guest lecture „Die ‚Heilige Allianz‘. Ein ökumenisches Konzept des 19. Jahrhunderts?“ by Natalya I. Maslakova-Klauberg (Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry), organized by RaT and EURAS Download poster Review+Photos.
16 June 2016: Guest lecture "Conversation on Islam and Gender Ethics in Indonesia. With special reference to Aisyiyah’s Imaginaries of Womanhood" by Siti Syamsiyatun (Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Jalan Adisucipto, Yogyakarta) Review+Photo.
10 May 2016: Guest lecture "Solidarität jenseits von Staatsbürger_innenschaft. Überlegungen zur politischen Gestaltung von Migrationsgesellschaften" by Monika Mokre (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Download poster.
27-28 May 2016: International Conference "Islam and Poltics - the Illusion of an Islamic State", organized by the Institute for Islamic Studies and Vienna University
To the homepage of the event here, Information and photos here
30 May 2016: Guest lecture "Why is Religion so special for the Law? Is it really?" by Vanja-Ivan Savić (University of Zagreb), More information here.
Projects and publications in this cluster