JRAT Supplementa ist eine interdisziplinäre, internationale, online Open-Access Buchreihe mit peer-review Verfahren, die in enger Verbindung mit JRAT, dem Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, steht. Die Supplement-Reihe wurde im Jahr 2021 gegründet, um in Ergänzung zum Journal auch Monographien, Übersetzungen wichtiger Werke und stark fokussierte Sammelbände veröffentlichen zu können. Beide Publikationsorgane dienen dazu, die thematischen Schwerpunkte des Forschungszentrums "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society" (RaT, Universität Wien) in die internationale Diskurslandschaft einzubringen. Das Ziel von JRAT und JRAT Supplementa besteht in der wissenschaftlichen Thematisierung des Einflusses von Religionen auf kulturelle, politische, rechtliche, ästhetische und geistige Dynamiken in globalisierten Gesellschaften. Umgekehrt wird die Bedeutung von aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen auf Religionen und religiöse Ausdrucksformen untersucht. Die Wechselwirkung von religiösen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen verlangt ein Zusammenwirken unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen und eröffnet eine Sphäre interdisziplinärer Forschung. An dieser haben sowohl Theologien verschiedener Konfessionen und Religionen (Katholisch, Orthodox, Evangelisch, Islamisch etc.) als auch Religionswissenschaft, Religionsphilosophie, Religionssoziologie, Rechtswissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaft, Judaistik, Islamwissenschaft, Indologie, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde etc. teil.

Folgende Bände sind bereits erschienen:

Band 4

Markus Tiwald (Hg.) und Markus Öhler (Hg.): Parting of the Ways. The Variegated Ways of Separations between Jews and Christians

The essays collected in this volume are the proceedings of an international conference held in Vienna (Austria) in September 2022 on the “parting of the ways” between Jews and Christians. They demonstrate that the beginnings of what we today call “Christianity” were fully embedded in early Judaism in the first century CE. The 18 chapters of this collection span from considerations about early Jewish identity/identities (Tiwald/Öhler, Grohmann, Magness) to Pauline theology (Tiwald, Ehrensperger, Eschner), the Sayings Source (Heil), the Gospels of Matthew (Konradt), Johannine and Biblical theology (Schreiber, Scherer, Förster), the Didache (Doering) to Ignatius of Antioch (Foster, Öhler), Origen (Siquans), and the Rabbis (Stemberger). The volume ends with systematic-theological considerations on the “parting of the ways” and perspectives of Jewish-Christian dialogue (Tück, Danz).

Zum Verlag

Band 3

Hans Schelkshorn (Hg.) und Herman Westerink (Hg.): Religious Experience, Secular Reason and Politics around 1945. Sources for Rethinking Religion and Spirituality in Contemporary Societies

The emergence and downfall of fascism and the Nazi regime in the mid-twentieth century mark the definitive decline of Europe's geopolitical hegemony. The end of the Second World War is the beginning of both decolonization processes and the founding of the United Nations as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this context, we find a variety of philosophical interpretations on religious traditions, secular conceptualizations of reason and political theories. In and outside of Europe, philosophical and spiritual movements develop different political orientations, whereas fruitful dialogues between religious and secular philosophical positions emerge. In this volume, such positions and interactions are explored in an exemplary way.

Zum Verlag

Band 2

Paolo Costa: The Post-Secular City. The New Secularization Debate

“The Post-Secular City” is the first attempt to systematically map and assess the recent debate about secularization. “The Post-Secular City” examines the alleged shift from a “secular” to a “post-secular” dispensation from the perspective of the ongoing de-construction of the secularization “theorem” (as Hans Blumenberg called it). Accordingly, the new secularization debate is described as being polarized between the “de-constructors” and the “maintainers” of the standard thesis of secularization. This is the assumption underlying an ambitious effort to map the field, which consists of a long introduction where “secularization” is analyzed as a deeply problematic concept-of-process and of eight chapters in which several protagonists of the recent debate are discussed as crucial junctions of a multidisciplinary conversation.

Zum Verlag

Band 1

Kurt Appel (Hg.): In Praise of Mortality. Christianity and New Humanism

This volume shows that the vulnerability and mortality of life are the starting points of its transcendence which exceeds all representability. Only by renouncing fantasies of omnipotence of a theological, philosophical and scientific nature, human beings can advance to their destiny and introduce a New Humanism enabling a bond between all that is alive and between human beings and their transcendent dimension. This includes an understanding of time that no longer follows chronological-mechanistic constraints, a non-instrumental understanding of language that finds its dimension of depth in prayer and an understanding of God in which God is inseparably related to the openness of human existence. In traversing the arising avenues of thought, the four-part volume, written by three authors but to be read as a unity, is oriented towards a philosophy of central biblical passages, Hegel‘s The Phenomenology of Spirit, Musil‘s Man Without Qualities, Hölderlin‘s poetry and Lacan´s psychoanalysis.

Zum Verlag